Twilight Imperium Wiki


Ships represent spacefaring units. Players use these units to engage one another in space combat and expand their empires to new systems.


Cost Combat Move Capacity Relevant Technology Image
3 9 1^ 6 XRD Transporters: +1 Movement TI3Carrier2


Cost Combat Move Capacity Abilities Relevant Technology Image
2 7 2 - During the Production step of an activation of a system containing one or more friendly Cruisers, you may build and lay 1 Space Mine in that system Hylar V Assault Laser: +1 Combat

Type IV Drive: +1 Movement

Stasis Capsules: Gain ability to transport 1 Ground Force



Cost Combat Move Capacity Abilities Relevant Technology Image
1 9^ 2 - Anti-Fighter Barrage (AFB) 9 (x2) Hylar V Assault Laser: +1 Combat and AFB rolls

Automated Defense Turrets: +2 AFB with one extra die



Cost Combat Move Capacity Abilities Relevant Technology Image
5 5^ 1^ - Sustain Damage

Bombardment (Same as combat value)

- Stasis Capsules: Gain ability to transport 1 Ground Force

- Type IV Drive: +1 Movement

- Assault Cannon: Before space combat, roll combat die for each Dreadnought

- Graviton Negator: Can bombard through PDS

- Nano Technology: Cannot be targeted by Action Cards

- X-89 Bacterial Weapon

- Duranium Armor



Cost Combat Move Capacity Relevant Technology Image
1/2 9 - - Cybernetics: +1 Combat

Advanced Fighters: +1 Combat, May move without being carried (2 Movement)

Graviton Negator: May participate in invasion combat


War Sun[]

Cost Combat Move Capacity Abilities Relevant Technology Image
12 3 (x3) 2 6 Sustain Damage


- Same value as Combat rolls

- May bombard through PDS

- Nano Technology: Cannot be targeted by Action Cards

- X-89 Bacterial Weapon

- Duranium Armor



In the Shards of the Throne Expansion, each faction gained a unique flagship

Ground Units[]

Players use these Ground Units to invade planets or defend their own territories

Ground Forces

Shock Troops

Mechanized Units


  • PDS are able to be carried and transported just like Ground Forces, Mechs and Shock Troops
  • If a PDS lands on a non-friendly planet without any accompanying Ground Forces, Shock Troops or Mechs, it is destroyed
  • PDS can exist in isolation on friendly planets
Cost Abilities Relevant Technology Image
2 Space Cannon 6

Planetary Shield

Deep Space Cannon: Range includes adjacent systems

Magen Defense Grid: +1 on all rolls

Graviton Laser System: One re-roll per miss


Other Units[]

Space Dock

Cost Capacity Abilities Relevant Technology Image
4 3 Fighters Production (X+2)

X = Resource value of the planet the Space Dock is placed

Enviro Compensator: +1 Production

Sarween Tools: +1 Resource for Production

Integrated Economy



Introduced in the Shattered Empire Expansion


Introduced in the Shards of the Throne Expansion

Related Components[]
