Twilight Imperium Wiki



  • Carries up to 8 units (any combination of ground forces, fighters or PDS)
  • PDS do not work when being transported by a Carrier
  • If a carrier is destoyed, all units aboard are also destroyed
  • Can pick up units from a friendly planet during movement, but can only unload during Invasion Combat (Only on 1 planet unless player has Wexcon Invasion Barges technology)
  • If playing with the Capital Ships variant, all Carriers are Capital ships
Cost Combat Move Relevant Technology Image
10 9 1 XRD Transporters: +1 Movement

Fluxar Cargo Bays: Can carry 10 units

Wexcon Invasion Barges: Can unload units on 2 planets



Cost Combat Move Relevant Technology Image
6 8 2 Hylar V Assault Laser: +1 Combat 1Cruiser


  • Each dreadnought has the Bombardment ability
    • Immediately before Invasion Combat, your dreadnoughts in the same system may bombard enemy planets (roll 1 dice; hit produced if number greater than the Dreadnought combat roll)
    • Each Dreadnought may only bombard once during each Invasion Combat
    • For every hit, the enemy must immediately remove 1 Ground Force unit from the planet
  • If a planet contains 1 or more PDS, it cannot be bombarded
  • Dreadnoughts can bombard even if there is no subsequent invasion
  • If playing with the Capital Ships variant, all Dreadnoughts are Capital ships
Cost Combat Move Relevant Technology Image
10 4 1 Hylar Bombing Device: +1 to bombardment roll and can bombard through PDS

X-89 Bacterial Attack Form: Can destroy all enemy units on a planet



  • Must be carried by Spacedock or Carriers
  • Cannot move independently
  • If a system has more Fighters than there is capacity of Spacedocks/Carriers, the excess fighters are immediately destroyed
Cost Combat Relevant Technology Image
4 9 Xlite Mass Drive: May move independently (Move value of 1) 1Fig

Ground Units[]


  • Planetary Shield: No Dreadnought may bombard a planet with a PDS unit
  • Out of Turn Defense: If an enemy finishes their movement segment in a system containing your PDS, you may fire once per friendly PDS in that system onto their ships
  • Offensive Fire: During your Space Battle segment, you may fire at enemy ships once per PDS unit in that system
  • Invasion Defense: During your enemy's Invasion combat segment, each defending PDS unit may fire once at enemy Ground Forces invading the planet containing PDS
Cost Combat Relevant Technology Image
10 7 Deep Space Cannon: During the Space Combat Segment, each of your PDS may fire once at 1 enemy fleet in an adjacent system 1PDS


  • During each turn, a Spacedock can produce a number of units equal to the Resource value of its planet. This is the number of units that can be placed with that Spacedock during the Place New Units Phase
  • Each planet can only hold 1 Spacedock
  • Each Spacedock can carry 2 fighters
  • Each player can control a maximum of 5 Spacedocks in the galaxy at a given time
  • Ground forces and PDS units are always built directly on the planet of the Spacedock whilst ships are always placed in the space area above the planet
  • Blockaded spacedocks cannot produce units in space
Cost Relevant Technology Image
15 Industrial Efficiency: +1 Unit Production

Sarween Tools: +1 Unit Production


Ground Forces[]

  • To control a planet, a player must at all times have at least 1 Ground Force on that planet
  • When produced, they are placed on the planet the Spacedock is on
  • During the movement step, a carrier may pick up ground forces from any planets it starts in or passes through
  • During the Invasion step, any ground force on a carrier may move onto a friendly, hostile or neutral planet in the same system
Cost Combat Relevant Technology Image
4 8 Transit Diodes: During your Movement segment, you may move up to 3 ground forces from any 1 of your planets to another 1GF

Shock Forces[]

  • Shock Forces are a special type of Ground force unit introduced in the Outer Rim Expansion
  • When a player rolls an unmodified '10' with a normal Ground force unit during invasion combat, the die is rolled again. If the new roll results in a '9' or '10', that ground force is replaced with a Shock Force
    • This does not take full effect until the next round of combat
  • Shock Forces have a combat value of 5 (instead of the usual 8)
  • All terms that refer to ground forces also apply to shock forces
  • After a successful invasion, if any of the invading player's Shock Forces have survived, they may capture enemy Spacedock and PDS units
    • These units are immediately replaced with the invading player's matching units
  • During combat, Shock Forces must be taken as the first casualties (does not include defensive PDS fire before invasion)
  • Each player may never have more than 3 Shock Force units on the board at any time
  • Every Political Phase, the owner of Hope's End may pay 1 credit to replace 1 normal Ground Force with a Shock Force unit

Elite Units[]


Certain Action Cards enable a unit to become an elite unit

If this occurs the player places the Elite marker on the unit to signify its status

Elite units gain extra abilities/bonuses

Elite Fighters[]

  • When this unit rolls a hit in combat, roll another die. If the result is an even number, you may choose the casualty (instead of your opponent

Elite Cruiser[]

  • +2 On all Combat rolls

Elite Carrier[]

  • +2 Movement
  • May probe and invade a planet during the same Invasion Combat Segment
  • All Fighters being carried fight at +1

Starting Units[]

Each race in Twilight Imperium First Edition starts the game with 1 Spacedock and 1 Ground Force for each planet in their home system. These units are placed in their home system at the start of the game

If playing with the Empire's End Variant, each race has additional starting units to accomodate a faster game
