Twilight Imperium Wiki

In Twilight Imperium (First Edition), players obtain technology during the Technology Phase

One Technology advance is purchased each round for 30 credits

There are 3 types of Technology: Propulsion, Weapons and General

  • Each race starts the game with a different number of technology in each of the 3 areas

Players may only progress to the next technology in the sequence (for example, a player with XRD Star Class Transporter may progress to Antimass Deflector but NOT Wexcon Invasion Barges)

  • Level 1 Technologies may be purchased without having any previous technologies of that type

Technology progression is key to the Gameplay of Twilight Imperium, as, to win the game, a player must have collected 11 technology advances

Propulsion Technologies[]

Name Level Ability Starting Tech
XRD Star Class Transporter 1 All your Carriers receive +1 Movement Hacan, Sol, Jol-Nar, Mentak, Naalu
Antimass Deflector 2 All your spaceships may move through asteroid fields (but may not end movement in an asteroid field) Sol, Jol-Nar, Mentak, Naalu
Wexcon Invasion Barges 3 During the Invasion Combat Segment, you may now invade 2 planets in the same system in the same turn Naalu
Type IV Drive 4 All your ships move at +1 (in addition to other modifiers)
Talkin Deep-Space Evasion Computer 5 Your ships may now move through systems containing enemy spaceships
Spatial Jump 6 Before your Movement segment, you may dedicate 1 fleet to go anywhere in the galaxy. After the jump, remove half the credit value of the fleet (rounded up)

Weapons Technologies[]

Name Level Ability Starting Tech
Fluxar Cargo Bays 1 Your Carriers now can carry 10 units Letnev, N'orr, Yssaril, L1Z1X, Jol-Nar
Hylar V Assault Laser 2 Your Cruisers fight at +1 Letnev
Xlite Mass Drive 3 Your Fighters may now move independently (move value 1). A fleet containing only fighters cannot interdict an enemy fleet
Deep Space Cannon 4 During your Space Combat Segment, each of your PDS may fire once at 1 enemy fleet in an adjacent system
Hylar Bombing Device 5 Dreadnoughts receive +1 while bombarding and may bombard even if the target planet contains defending PDS
X-89 Bacterial Attack Form 6 A bombarding Dreadnought may choose to use this attack, destroying all enemy presence on the target planet. The bombarding player loses 5 permanent influence points per bombardment

General Technologies[]

Name Level Ability Starting Tech
Industrial Efficiency 1 Your Spacedocks may now produce 1 extra unit per turn Sol, N'orr, Xxcha, Yssaril, L1Z1X, Jol-Nar
Micro-technology 2 You receive 3 extra credits for each of your Trade Agreements during the Receive Trade Income Phase L1Z1X
Sarween Tools 3 Each of your planets receives a +1 in resources
Neural Motivator 4 You may draw an additional action card every turn
Transit Diodes 5 During your Movement segment, you may move up to 3 ground forces from any 1 of your planets to another
Master of Production 6 You may now place your new units directly on the board during the Buy New Units Phase
