Twilight Imperium Wiki

Category: Rules

Players obtain technology in the form of technology cards.

Technologies provide players with powerful abilities and allow players to upgrade their units. Each player has an identical deck of technology cards that they may look through at any time, as well as 2 faction specific technology cards.

Technology Types[]

Basic Technologies[]

There are four basic colors of technology. A technology’s color is indicated by a green, red, blue, or yellow symbol located on the lower-right corner of the card. Players use these symbols when researching technology.

See Starting Technology for a list of basic technology that each faction starts the game with.

Faction Technologies[]

Faction technologies are special technologies unique to specific factions. Like regular technologies, they are each one of the four types and have a certain number of prerequisites. Faction-specific Unit Upgrades are also faction technologies but are included in the "Unit Upgrade Technologies" section.

Unit Upgrade Technologies[]

Unit Upgrade Technologies allow players to research technologies that directly improve their units. These technologies often have multiple color prerequisites.

Obtaining Technology[]


The predominant way of gaining technology is by researching technology. Players may research technology through use of the Primary or Secondary Abilities of the “Technology” strategy card, certain Action Cards, or abilities. Any time a player researches a technology, they must satisfy the prerequisites.

Once a player researches technology (i.e. pays the cost and satisfies the prerequisites), they gain that technology and place it face up in their play area. It is received unexhausted and may be played at any time after gain.


Prerequisites are printed as a column on the lower-left side of each technology card and contain one or more symbols that correspond to the four technology types. Some technologies have no prerequisites and can be researched without owning any technology.

To satisfy a technology’s prerequisites, a player must own a matching technology for each prerequisite symbol on the card they wish to research. (For example researching "Light/Wave Deflector" requires 3 blue technologies owned prior to being able to be researched.) Unit upgrade technologies do not satisfy prerequisites when researching technology. 

Technology Specialty Planets[]

If a player controls a planet that has a technology specialty symbol, they may exhaust that planet when researching technology to ignore a prerequisite that matches that technology specialty. Players may exhaust planets for their technology specialty or for their resources/influence, but not for both.



Certain effects and abilities may instruct a player to Gain technology. In such circumstances, technology can be obtained without considering prerequisites.

It is worth noting that players gain a technology they have researched after they research it.

Technology Reference[]

The following section contains all the technologies in the game in table format for easy reference.

Level 0/1/2/3/4 corresponds to the number of Prerequisite technologies required before the technology in question is able to be researched.

(Ω) Represents Omega Technology released with the Codex. These updates are intended as replacements for the originals.

Basic Technology[]



Level 0 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
Ti icons biotic - Neural Motivator

- Psychoarchaeology

- Dacxive Animators

- Bio Stims

Hyper Metabolism X-89 Bacterial Weapon/X-89 Bacterial Weapon Ω
Ti icons propulsion - Antimass Deflectors

- Dark Energy Tap

- Gravity Drive

- Sling Relay

Fleet Logistics Light/Wave Deflector
Ti icons cybernetic - Sarween Tools

- Scanlink Drone Network

- Graviton Laser System

- Predictive Intelligence

Transit Diodes Integrated Economy
Ti icons warfare - Plasma Scoring

- AI Development Algorithm

- Magen Defense Grid/Magen Defense Grid Ω

- Self Assembly Routines

Duranium Armor Assault Cannon

Unit Upgrade Technology[]

(*) Indicates Unit Upgrade faction technology

Level 0 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
Ti icons biotic Ti icons biotic

- Infantry II
- Spec Ops II *
- Letani Warrior II *
- Crimson Legionnaire II *

Ti icons propulsion Ti icons propulsion Ti icons cybernetic

- Dreadnought II
- Super Dreadnought II *
- Exotrireme II *

Ti icons cybernetic Ti icons warfare Ti icons warfare Ti icons warfare

- War Sun
- Prototype War Sun II *

Ti icons propulsion Ti icons propulsion

- Carrier II
- Advanced Carrier II *

Ti icons biotic Ti icons cybernetic Ti icons warfare

- Cruiser II
- Saturn Engine II *

Ti icons cybernetic Ti icons cybernetic

- Space Dock II
- Floating Factory II *
- Dimensional Tear II *

Ti icons biotic Ti icons propulsion Ti icons cybernetic

Memoria II *

Ti icons warfare Ti icons warfare

- Destroyer II
- Strike Wing Alpha II *

Ti icons biotic Ti icons propulsion

- Fighter II
- Hybrid Crystal Fighter II *

Ti icons cybernetic Ti icons warfare

- Hel Titan II *

Faction Technology[]

Does not include unit upgrade faction technology



Level 0 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
Ti icons biotic - Voidwatch

- Instinct Training
- Transparasteel Plating
- Genetic Recombination

- Bioplasmosis

- Production Biomes
- Yin Spinner/ Yin Spinner Ω

- Neuroglaive

- Pre-Fab Arcologies
- Mageon Implants

Ti icons propulsion Chaos Mapping - Spatial Conduit Cylinder

- Aetherstream
- Wormhole Generator/ Wormhole Generator Ω
- Lazax Gate Folding

Ti icons cybernetic - Aerie Hololattice

- L4 Disruptors
- Temporal Command Suite

- I.I.H.Q Modernization

- Salvage Operations

- Inheritance Systems
- E-Res Siphons
- Hegemonic Trade Policy
- Nullification Field
- Core Impulse

- Agency Supply Network

- Quantum Datahub Node

- Mirror Computing

Ti icons warfare - Dimensional Splicer

- Supercharge
- Vortex

- Non-Euclidian Shielding

- Magmus Reactor/ Magmus Reactor Ω
- Valkyrie Particle Weave
