Twilight Imperium Wiki

Category: Rules

Previous: Agenda Phase | Next: Action Phase

During this phase, each player chooses a strategy card. These cards provide players with powerful abilities to use during the action phase. Each card also has a number that determines turn order for the game round, known as "initiative order."

  • Step 1: Beginning with the speaker and continuing clockwise, each player chooses one of the strategy cards from the common play area and places it face-up near their faction sheet. 
    • When playing with three or four players, after the last player has received their first strategy card, each player chooses a second strategy card, starting with the speaker and proceeding clockwise.
  • Step 2: After each player has chosen a strategy card, the speaker places one trade good on each strategy card that was not chosen. During future strategy phases, when a player chooses a strategy card that has one or more trade goods on it, they gain those trade goods.

After these steps, players proceed to the action phase.

Strategy Cards[]

1) Leadership 2) Diplomacy
3) Politics 4) Construction
5) Trade 6) Warfare
7) Technology 8) Imperial
