Twilight Imperium Wiki

Type: Unit Abilities

Arborec PDS

A PDS with the Space Cannon ability

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The Xxcha Kingdom's mech and flagship also have the Space Cannon ability.

A unit that has the “Space Cannon” ability can use it during two different steps of a player’s tactical action: after the “Move Ships” sub-step (Space Cannon Offense) and during an invasion (Space Cannon Defense).

A player is not required to be the active player to use their “Space Cannon” ability of their units.

Space Cannon Offense[]

During a tactical action, after the “Move Ships” sub-step of the “Movement” step, beginning with the active player and proceeding clockwise, each player may use the “Space Cannon” ability of each of their units in the active system by performing the following steps:

STEP 1—ROLL DICE: The player rolls dice for each of their units in the active system that has the “Space Cannon” ability; this is a space cannon roll. One hit is produced for each result that is equal to or greater than the unit’s “Space Cannon” value

  • A unit’s “Space Cannon” ability is presented along with a unit’s attributes on faction sheets and unit upgrade technology cards.
  • “Space Cannon” is displayed as “Space Cannon X (xY).” The X is the minimum value needed for a die to produce a hit, and Y is the number of dice rolled.
  • Not all “Space Cannon” abilities are accompanied by a (Y) value; a space cannon roll for such a unit consists of one die.

If a player has the PDS II unit upgrade technology, they can use the “Space Cannon” ability of their PDS units that are in systems that are adjacent to the active system (Deep Space Cannon). The hits are still assigned to units in the active system.

Game effects that re-roll, modify, or otherwise affect combat rolls do not affect space cannon rolls.

This ability can be used even if no ships were moved during the “Move Ships” step.

STEP 2—ASSIGN HITS: The player whose units have been targeted by “Space Cannon” must choose and destroy one of their ships in the active system for each hit result produced against their units.

  • Players other than the active player must target the active player’s units.
  • If the active player is using the “Space Cannon” ability of their units, they choose a player who has ships in the active system. That player must choose and destroy one of their ships in the active system for each hit the space cannon roll produced.
  • This is not counted as Space Combat, therefore action cards and/or abilities which trigger during space combat cannot be used.

Space Cannon Defense[]

During the invasion step of a tactical action, after ground forces have been committed to land on planets, players other than the active player can resolve the “Space Cannon” ability of their units on those planets by performing the following steps:

STEP 1—ROLL DICE: Each player may use the “Space Cannon” ability of each of their units on the invaded planet by rolling a specific number of dice for each of those units; this is called a space cannon roll. A hit is produced for each die roll that is equal to or greater than the unit’s “Space Cannon” value.

  • If a unit has a “Space Cannon” ability, it is present on its faction sheet and technology cards.
  • “Space Cannon” is displayed as “Space Cannon X (xY).” The X is the minimum value needed for a die to produce a hit, and Y is the number of dice rolled.
  • Not all “Space Cannon” abilities are accompanied by a (Y) value; a space cannon roll for such a unit consists of one die.

Game effects that re-roll, modify, or otherwise affect combat rolls do not affect space cannon rolls.

Game effects that allow the use of “Space Cannon” abilities against ships in adjacent systems have no effect during Space Cannon Defense.

STEP 2—ASSIGN HITS: The active player must choose and destroy one of their ground forces on the planet for each hit the space cannon roll produced. Hits can only be assigned to units that are on the same planet as the units using the “Space Cannon” ability.


Q: Does each unit participating in Bombardment or Space Cannon roll an additional die for the Plasma Scoring technology?

A: No. “Plasma Scoring” only grants one additional die for each “Bombardment” or “Space Cannon” roll, and the unit benefiting from this technology must be decided before rolling.

Q: If a player has multiple planets with PDS that are being invaded in a single system, does the “Plasma Scoring” technology add one die to each planet’s space cannon roll or for only one planet’s space cannon roll?

A: The “Plasma Scoring” technology adds one die for each planet’s “Space Cannon” roll.

Q: Can PDS II fire through wormholes using their ability "Deep Space Cannon"?

A: Yes. Deep Space cannon may be fired through wormholes as those systems are adjacent

Q: Can the “Turn Their Fleets to Dust” objective be fulfilled by using a “Direct Hit” action card or by destroying a unit with capacity and allowing transported fighters to be removed as a result?

A: No. In both situations, the “Space Cannon” ability did not destroy the last ship in the system, so the objective is not fulfilled.

Q: Do units with abilities such as Bombardment, Anti-Fighter Barrage and Space Cannon have to use their abilities if able (e.g. Does a destroyer have to roll for Anti-Fighter Barrage if there are fighters present in the combat)?

A: No. Players may choose whether or not to use these abilities.

Q: Does the “Enforced Travel Ban” agenda prevent “Space Cannon” usage through wormholes?

A: No. “Enforce Travel Ban” does not prevent “Space Cannon” usage.

Q: Can the “Experimental Battlestation” action card be used if no ships move into the active system, or against ships that do not belong to the active player?

A: No. “Experimental Battlestation” operates in the same timing window as “Space Cannon Offense,” can only target the active player’s ships, and can only be resolved if ships actually move into the active system.

Q: Can the Clan of Saar’s “Floating Factories” trigger Space Cannon Offense or be assigned hits produced by PDS units?

A: No, “Floating Factories” cannot be the target of PDS fire.
