Twilight Imperium Wiki

Category: Player Components

A player’s personal supply of unused units and command tokens is referred to as their reinforcements.

Prior to game set up, each player will have the following pieces in their reinforcements (in their designated color):

During game setup, players take units from their reinforcements that match their faction's starting units to place in their home system.

When producing units and gaining command tokens throughout the game, players will take those components from their reinforcements.

The components in a player’s reinforcements are limited and the above serves as a maximum number for each that can be on the game board at a given time. The exception to this rule is Infantry and Fighters, which are both effectively unlimited as they can be replaced with tokens, with the following restrictions:

  • If a player ever has a fighter token in a system that does not contain one of their plastic fighters, they must replace it with one of their plastic fighters from their reinforcements. If they cannot replace the token, the unit is removed.
  • If a player ever has an infantry token on a planet that does not contain one of their plastic infantry or in the space area of a system that does not contain one of their plastic infantry, they must replace it with one of their plastic infantry from their reinforcements. If they cannot replace the token, the unit is removed.

If a game effect would place a player’s command token from their reinforcements and none are available, that player must take a token from a pool on their command sheet, unless the token would be placed into a system that already contains one of their command tokens.
