Twilight Imperium Wiki

The game board for Twilight Imperium is formed using modular system tiles. Each tile represents a single system in the galaxy, which may contain one or more planets or other celestial bodies.

As players move about the galaxy and expand their empire beyond their home systems, they will gain control of new planets

Home Systems[]

Each player begins the game with their units on a system with planet(s) unique to their chosen faction, known as their home system. Home system tiles are differentiated by having yellow borders

Planet Faction Resources Influence Tech Discount
Nestphar The Arborec 3 2 Ti icons biotic
Arc Prime The Barony of Letnev 4 0
Wren Terra 2 1
Lisis II The Clan of Saar 1 0
Ragh 2 1
Muaat The Embers of Muaat 4 1
Hercant The Emirates of Hacan 1 1
Arretze 2 0
Kamdorn 0 1
Jord The Federation of Sol 4 2
Creuss The Ghosts of Creuss 4 2
[0.0.0] The L1Z1X Mindnet 5 0
Moll Primus The Mentak Coalition 4 1
Druaa The Naalu Collective 3 1
Maaluuk 0 2
Mordai II The Nekro Virus 4 0
Tren'Lak The Sardakk N'orr 1 0
Quinarra 3 1
Jol The Universities of Jol-Nar 1 2
Nar 2 3
Winnu The Winnu 3 4 Ti icons cybernetic
Archon Ren The Xxcha Kingdom 2 3
Archon Tau 1 1
Darien The Yin Brotherhood 2 4
Retillion The Yssaril Tribes 2 3
Shalloq 1 2
Mecatol Rex II The Lazax 3 6

Mecatol Rex[]


Mecatol Rex Tile

Mecatol Rex is the planet placed in the center of the game board during setup. It contains the ruins of the Lazax Empire and its control is sought after by all playable factions

Planet Resources Influence
Mecatol Rex 1 6

Regular Systems[]

Regular systems contain 1-3 planets with varying numbers of resources and influence

Some planets have a technology specialty, marked by the symbol for either green, blue, yellow or red technology. A player that has control of one or more of these planets may satisfy a prerequisite when researching technology (i.e. they can be used as 'technology skips/discounts')

Note that Yellow (General) technology specialty planets are not counted for the purpose of Objectives

Base Game[]

Planet Resources Influence Technology Specialty


Fria 2 0 Ti icons propulsion
Arinam 1 2 Ti icons propulsion
Meer 0 4
Arnor 2 1
Lor 1 2 Ti icons warfare
Bereg 3 1 Ti icons warfare
Lirta IV 2 3 Ti icons biotic
Centauri 1 3
Gral 1 1 Ti icons propulsion
Coorneeq 1 2 Ti icons warfare
Resculon 2 0
Dal Bootha 0 2 Ti icons warfare
Xxehan 1 1 Ti icons biotic
Lazar 1 0
Sakulag 2 1
Mehar Xull 1 3 Ti icons propulsion
Mellon 0 2
Zhobat 3 1 Ti icons propulsion
New Albion 1 1 Ti icons biotic
Starpoint 3 1
Qucen'n 1 2
Rarron 0 3 Ti icons biotic
Saudor 2 2
Tar'Mann 1 1
Tequ'ran 2 0 Ti icons warfare
Torkan 0 3 Ti icons propulsion
Thibah 1 1
Vefut II 2 0 Ti icons warfare
Wellon 1 2
Lodor 3 1 Ti icons biotic
Alpha Wormhole -
Quann 2 1 Ti icons biotic
Beta Wormhole

Shattered Empire[]

The Shattered Empire Expansion introduced 14 new regular systems

Some of these have special Refresh Abilities, indicated by a symbol marked to the right of the influence value. A refresh ability allows a player to exhaust that planet during the status phase to obtain designated unit/trade goods. Units obtained in this method must be placed on that planet.

  • Fighter+Symbol allows the player to obtain 2 Fighters (Need to have a ship with capacity in the system)
  • Infantry+Symbol allows the player to obtain 2 Ground Forces
  • ShockTroop allows the player to obtain 2 Shock Troops (Need to already have a Ground Force on the planet or they revert to normal Ground Forces)
  • TradeGood+Symbol indicates a Trade Station, which can be refreshed for 2 Trade Goods
Planet Resources Influence Technology Specialty Refresh Ability
Abaddon 1 0 Ti icons warfare
Ashtroth 2 0
Loki 1 2
Capha 3 0
El'Nath 2 0 Ti icons propulsion
Garbozia 2 1 Ti icons biotic
Lesab 2 1 Ti icons biotic
Lisis 2 2
Velnor 2 0 Ti icons warfare
Perimeter 2 2
Rigel I 0 1 Ti icons biotic
Rigel II 1 2
Rigel III 1 1 Ti icons propulsion
Vega Major 2 1
Vega Minor 1 2 Ti icons propulsion
Mirage 1 2 Fighter+Symbol
Primor 2 1 Infantry+Symbol
Hope's End 3 0 ShockTroop
Arcturus 1 1
Sumerian 2 2 TradeGood+Symbol
Bellatrix 0 1 Ti icons warfare
Tsion 2 2 TradeGood+Symbol

Shards of the Throne[]

The Shards of the Throne Expansion introduced 5 new regular systems, all having at least 1 technology specialty

Planet Resources Influence Technology Specialty
Faunus 1 3 Ti icons biotic Ti icons biotic
Hercalor 1 0 Ti icons cybernetic
Tiamet 1 2 Ti icons cybernetic
Industrex 2 0 Ti icons warfare Ti icons warfare
Sem-Lore 3 2 Ti icons cybernetic
Tempesta 1 1 Ti icons propulsion Ti icons propulsion


Special Systems[]

There are multiple Special Systems in the game. Special systems contain cosmic phenomena which affect ships' movement. These are identified by having a red border (with the exception of the Wormhole Nexus' green border)

  • Asteroid Field
    • Cannot be moved into and can never be activated
    • Can only be moved through with the use of the Antimass Deflector technology
  • Nebula
    • Can only be moved into but never through
    • Any ship leaving a nebula has its movement reduced to 1 (regardless of technology modifiers and action cards)
    • Any ship defending in a nebula gets +1 to all Combat rolls
  • Supernova: Cannot be activated, entered or traveled through
  • Ion Storm (Introduced in the Shattered Empire Expansion)
    • Can only be moved into but never through
    • PDS cannot fire at ships in Ion Storms
    • Fighters do not roll dice during combat inside Ion Storms, but may still be taken as casualties
  • Wormhole Nexus (Introduced in the Shattered Empire Expansion): Contains 1 planet (Malice:0 resources, 3 influence) as well as 1 Alpha and 1 Beta Wormhole
    • Placed off the board and can only be traveled to using Alpha or Beta wormholes
    • Adjacent to any system with an Alpha or Beta wormhole
  • Gravity Rift (Introduced in the Shards of the Throne Expansion)
    • Can be moved into and through
    • When ships move out of or through they must roll a die. On a 1-5 that ship is destroyed
    • If multiple ships move out on the same activation, there is a separate roll for each (non-Fighter) ship
    • If a ship with capacity is destroyed; all units it is carrying are also destroyed
  • Cormund System (Introduced in the Shards of the Throne Expansion): Contains 1 planet (Cormund: 2 resources, 0 influence) as well as a Gravity Rift
  • Everra System (Introduced in the Shards of the Throne Expansion): Contains 1 planet (Everra: 3 resources, 1 influence) as well as a Nebula

Empty Systems[]

Some systems contain no planets or special phenomena. These systems have no notable features and may be traveled into and out of as normal
