Twilight Imperium Wiki

This page lists all of the playable factions in Twilight Imperium Third Edition

Base Game[]

Barony of letnevFactionSymbol The Barony of Letnev
Emirates of hacanFactionSymbol The Emirates of Hacan
Federation of solFactionSymbol The Federation of Sol
L1z1x mindnetFactionSymbol The L1Z1X Mindnet
Mentak coalitionFactionSymbol The Mentak Coalition
Naalu collectiveFactionSymbol The Naalu Collective
Sardakk norrFactionSymbol Sardakk N’orr
Universities of jol narFactionSymbol The Universities of Jol-Nar
Xxcha kingdomFactionSymbol The Xxcha Kingdom
Yssaril tribesFactionSymbol The Yssaril Tribes

Shattered Empire Expansion[]

Clan of saarFactionSymbol The Clan of Saar
Embers of muaatFactionSymbol The Embers of Muaat
WinnuFactionSymbol The Winnu
Yin brotherhoodFactionSymbol The Yin Brotherhood

Shards of the Throne Expansion[]

ArborecFactionSymbol The Arborec
Ghosts of creussFactionSymbol The Ghosts of Creuss
Nekro virusFactionSymbol The Nekro Virus
LazaxFactionSymbol The Lazax