Twilight Imperium Wiki

Distant Suns[]

The 'Distant Suns' Play option for Twilight Imperium Third Edition allows players to simulate the risks and rewards of exploration by using Domain Counters.

During game setup, Domain Counters are randomized and 1 Domain Counter is placed face down on every neutral non-Home, non-Mecatol, non-trade station planet on the board

Revealing Domain Counters[]

Domain Counters are revealed during the "Planetary Landings" Step of the Tactical Action Sequence

The Domain Counter is flipped over and its effects are resolved immediately after the player lands Ground Forces/Shock Troops/Mechs

After the counter is revealed, the active player may not land any more Ground units on that planet during the same activation

If a player gains control of the planet without landing Ground Forces/Shock Troops during the Tactical Action (i.e. due to other game effects), the Domain counter is removed and placed back into box with no effect

If a Leader is part of an invasion on a neutral planet with Distant Suns, the Leader is killed if invasion fails

If the Nekro virus discovers the Lazax Survivors token, remove it without effect

Mercenaries are not affected by the Domain Counters Biohazard and Radiation

Domain Counters may instead be probed or razed prior to being revealed

Probing Domain Counters[]

Following the "Move Ships" step of a Tactical Action, players may probe any Domain Counters that lie on planets in that system

Players may only probe Domain Counters in the active system if it has at least 1 of their Fighters

Probing involves looking at all face down counters in the system in secret and returning them face down to the respective planet

If the Lazax Survivors Domain counter is probed, it is removed from the game and the player which probed it receives 1 Victory Point and 3 Action Cards

Razing Domain Counters[]

Each War Sun or Dreadnought in the active system may raze 1 face down Counter

Razing involves removing the counter and returning it to the Game box without applying any effect. After razing, roll a die:

  • 1-7: No effect
  • 8-9: Lose 3 random Action Cards
  • 10: Lose 3 random Action Cards and exhaust all ready planets

If the razed Domain Counter is that of the Lazax Survivors, the player loses all Action Cards, exhausts all planets, loses all of their trade goods and cannot vote on the next Political Agenda

Domain Counters with Effects[]

There are a total of 44 Domain Counters in the Base Game

Name Symbol Number Effect
Biohazard DomainBiohazard 4 The hostile environment of this planet requires terraforming. The first Ground Force unit to land here is always eliminated while this token remains. The first player to successfully invade this planet may remove this counter
Radiation DomainRadiation 4 The planet contains unexpectedly high levels of radiation. Destroy all Ground Forces on the initial landing, then remove this counter
Hostile Locals Domain2HostileLocals 5 x (1-Strength)

2 x (2-Strength)

1 x (3-Strength)

The local population will not be subdued. The indicated number of local Ground Forces will fight any invader (allow another player to roll their combat dice). If an invasion attempt fails, the locals return to their full indicated strength. May not be bombarded. Discard after a successful invasion
Lazax Survivors DomainLazaxSurvivors 2 A discovery of ancient prophecy. You may take this counter to receive 3 additional votes towards all future political agendas.
Settlers DomainSettlers 2 Return all of your Ground Forces to their Carrier/War Sun. Roll a die:

On a result of 6+, place two free Ground Forces on the planet from your reinforcements. On a roll of 1-5, determine a random opponent. That opponent places two free Ground Forces from their reinforcements on the planet. Then discard this counter.

Wormhole Discovery DomainWormholeDiscovery 1 x Alpha

1 x Beta)

A new wormhole has been discovered in the system near this planet. Place this counter in the middle of the system to indicate the presence of the wormhole.This wormhole will connect to its brethren (alpha or beta) following the normal rules for wormholes.
Technological Society DomainTechnologicalSociety 2 The player to your left must search through your Technology deck and give you a free technology advance for which you have the necessary prerequisites. Then discard this counter.
Natural Wealth DomainNaturalWealth 5 x (2 Quality)

4 x (4 Quality)

This planet has resources available for immediate exploitation. Receive the number of Trade Goods indicated on this counter, if able. Then discard this counter.
Industrial Society DomainIndustrialSociety 2 An industrious and friendly populace welcomes you. You may immediately place a free Space Dock here. The Planet card for this planet is not exhausted when you receive it. Discard this counter.
Peaceful Annexation DomainPeacefulAnnexation 9 The landing proceeds without incident.Discard this counter.

Shattered Empire Expansion[]

The Shattered Empire Expansion introduced 22 Domain Counters

Name Symbol Number Effect
Automated Defense System DomainAutomatedDefenseSystem 3 Roll 2 dice. For each 6+, lose 1 ship in this system and one landing Ground Force. If no Ground Forces remain on this planet, it remains uncontrolled. The first player to successfully invade this planet removes this counter and may place one free PDS unit on the planet
Fighter Ambush DomainFighterAmbush 2 x (1-Strength)

2 x (2-Strength)

1 x (3-Strength)

After landing, a Space Battle immediately starts in the system against the indicated number of local Fighters (allow another player to roll their combat dice). Players may not use Anti-Fighter Barrage in this Space Battle. If the Space Battle fails, then the planet remains uncontrolled, all landing Ground Forces are discarded, and the fighters return to full indicated strength. Discard this counter after a successful Space Battle
Hostage Situation DomainHostileSituation 4 Your landing party is taken hostage by the local inhabitants. Pay Trade Goods equal to the number of Ground Forces landing or lose all Ground Forces in the initial landing (the planet remains uncontrolled).

Then discard this counter

Hidden Factory DomainHiddenFactory 3 You unearth an ancient, abandoned starship factory. Immediately receive any number of ships (for free) worth up to 2 resources. Place them in this system, then discard this counter.
Native Intelligence DomainNativeIntelligence 4 The native race here offers their espionage services. Secretly look at any one face down Domain Counter on any planet of your choice. Then discard this counter.
Peaceful Annexation DomainPeacefulAnnexation 3 The landing proceeds without incident. Discard this counter

Territorial Distant Suns[]

The Shattered Empire Expansion also introduced Territorial Distant Suns

Territorial Distant Suns are the same as Distant Suns but reduce the risks of early expansion

Prior to game setup, Domain Counters are divided into low-risk and high-risk piles

The following Counters are included in the low-risk pile:

  • Peaceful Annexation
  • (2-Quality) Natural Wealth
  • Native Intelligence
  • (1-Strength) Hostile Locals
  • Biohazard
  • Hostage Situation
  • (1-Strength) Fighter Ambush
  • Settlers

All other Domain Counters are placed in the high-risk pile

During game setup, Low-risk Domain Counters are randomly placed onto all planets in the outer ring as well as any planets adjacent to Home Systems.

Any remaining counters are mixed in with the high-risk pile and placed as normal across all remaining planets on the game board

Shards of the Throne Expansion[]

The Shards of the Throne Expansion introduced the "Final Frontier" play option

Final Frontier Domain Counters function similar to that of Distant Suns, however are placed on empty space instead

They may be used alone or in combination with Distant Suns Domain Tokens

A Final Frontier empty space Domain token is revealed immediately after any units have ended their movement in that system

There are 15 Final Frontier Space Domain Counters

Name Symbol Number Effect
Abandoned Transport DomainAbandonedTransport 1 An abandoned transport ship loaded with undelivered goods. The player who reveals this counter receives 2 Trade Goods
Alien Technology DomainAlienTechnology 1 An ancient alien artifact found floating in space. After careful research, the artifact reveals unexpected technological secrets. The player who reveals this counter may research any one Technology that they have the prerequisites for at no cost
Derelict Ship DomainDerelictShip 1 A ship in need of repairs, left abandoned in space. The player who reveals this counter may gain 1 Cruiser for free in this system.
Discovery DomainDiscovery 1 Exploration of uncharted space is bound to result in interesting and advantageous discoveries. The player who reveals this counter may draw 1 Action Card.
Precursor Space Station DomainPrecursorSpaceStation 1 A long-forgotten space station offering strategic advantages. After this counter is revealed, this counter stays in play. While a player controls this system, they need 1 less Victory Point to win
Empty Space DomainEmptySpace 3 There is nothing of interest here. This token has no effect.
Gravity Rift DomainGravityRift 1 A rift in space opens up out of nowhere! When this counter is revealed, it stays in play. This system is now treated as a Gravity Rift system.
Space Pirates DomainSpacePirates 1 Vagabonds that wander the galaxy are known to prey on the wealthy. The player who reveals this counter must lose all their Trade Goods or be attacked by a Dreadnought (allow another player to roll their combat dice). If the player has no Trade Goods, they are attacked. After the battle, or if they paid the Trade Goods, discard this counter.
Supernova DomainSupernova 1 A star explodes right before your eyes! When this counter is revealed, it stays in play. All ships in this system are destroyed and this system is now treated as a Supernova system.
Alpha Wormhole Discovery DomainWormholeDiscovery 1 An undocumented Wormhole found in the most unlikely of systems. When this counter is revealed, it stays in play. This system now has an Alpha Wormhole
Beta Wormhole Discovery DomainWormholeDiscoveryB 1 An undocumented Wormhole found in the most unlikely of systems. When this counter is revealed, it stays in play. This system now has a Beta Wormhole