When a player draws an Exploration Card that includes the “Attach” header, they attach it to the explored planet’s card by sliding it underneath. Then, they place the matching attachment token on that planet on the game board
That planet is modified by the exploration card’s values and ability, and the attached card remains attached if another player takes control of that planet
Attachable Components[]
Exploration Cards[]
- Demilitarized Zone: Prevents units being committed to, produced on, or placed on a planet
- Dyson Sphere: +2 Resources, +1 Influence
- Paradise World: +2 Influence
- Tomb of Emphidia: +1 Influence
- Research Facilities (Biotic, Propulsion, Cybernetic or Warfare): Gives the planet the corresponding technology specialty. +1 resources and influence if it has an existing technology specialty.
- Lazax Survivors: +1 Resources, +2 Influence
- Mining World: +2 Resources
- Rich World: +1 Resources
- Ul, the Progenitor (Geoform): Gives Elysium +3 Resources, +3 Influence and Space Cannon 5 (x3)
Promissory Notes[]
- Terraform: +1 Resources, +1 Influence, Gains Cultural, Hazardous and Industrial Traits
- Nano-Forge: +2 Resources, +2 Influence, Gains Legendary status
- It is theoretically possible to create a 16 Resource/15 Influence planet using attachable components. This is achieved in the following process:
- Using the Titans of Ul Promissory note "Terraform" to give Sem Lore (3/2, Yellow Tech specialty) a +1/+1 and all planet traits, allowing exploration of every deck
- Drawing every attachable exploration card and attaching it to Sem Lore
- Drawing and using the relic Nano-Forge to further increase resource and influence by 2 each